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A ListView with Checkboxes (Without Using ListActivity)



Warning! The code shown in this page was written a long time ago, before Android Studio existed.
There is a newer example here.

This example shows how to create a ListView with a CheckBox in each row, without having our Activity extend ListActivity.

Activity Source Listing

Most of the functionality is contained in the Activity class.

package com.windrealm.android;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.AdapterView;
import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;
import android.widget.CheckBox;
import android.widget.ListView;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class PlanetsActivity extends Activity {
  private ListView mainListView ;
  private Planet[] planets ;
  private ArrayAdapter<Planet> listAdapter ;
  /** Called when the activity is first created. */
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Find the ListView resource. 
    mainListView = (ListView) findViewById( R.id.mainListView );
    // When item is tapped, toggle checked properties of CheckBox and Planet.
    mainListView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
      public void onItemClick( AdapterView<?> parent, View item, 
                               int position, long id) {
        Planet planet = listAdapter.getItem( position );
        PlanetViewHolder viewHolder = (PlanetViewHolder) item.getTag();
        viewHolder.getCheckBox().setChecked( planet.isChecked() );

    // Create and populate planets.
    planets = (Planet[]) getLastNonConfigurationInstance() ;
    if ( planets == null ) {
      planets = new Planet[] { 
          new Planet("Mercury"), new Planet("Venus"), new Planet("Earth"), 
          new Planet("Mars"), new Planet("Jupiter"), new Planet("Saturn"), 
          new Planet("Uranus"), new Planet("Neptune"), new Planet("Ceres"),
          new Planet("Pluto"), new Planet("Haumea"), new Planet("Makemake"),
          new Planet("Eris")
    ArrayList<Planet> planetList = new ArrayList<Planet>();
    planetList.addAll( Arrays.asList(planets) );
    // Set our custom array adapter as the ListView's adapter.
    listAdapter = new PlanetArrayAdapter(this, planetList);
    mainListView.setAdapter( listAdapter );      
  /** Holds planet data. */
  private static class Planet {
    private String name = "" ;
    private boolean checked = false ;
    public Planet() {}
    public Planet( String name ) {
      this.name = name ;
    public Planet( String name, boolean checked ) {
      this.name = name ;
      this.checked = checked ;
    public String getName() {
      return name;
    public void setName(String name) {
      this.name = name;
    public boolean isChecked() {
      return checked;
    public void setChecked(boolean checked) {
      this.checked = checked;
    public String toString() {
      return name ; 
    public void toggleChecked() {
      checked = !checked ;
  /** Holds child views for one row. */
  private static class PlanetViewHolder {
    private CheckBox checkBox ;
    private TextView textView ;
    public PlanetViewHolder() {}
    public PlanetViewHolder( TextView textView, CheckBox checkBox ) {
      this.checkBox = checkBox ;
      this.textView = textView ;
    public CheckBox getCheckBox() {
      return checkBox;
    public void setCheckBox(CheckBox checkBox) {
      this.checkBox = checkBox;
    public TextView getTextView() {
      return textView;
    public void setTextView(TextView textView) {
      this.textView = textView;
  /** Custom adapter for displaying an array of Planet objects. */
  private static class PlanetArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Planet> {
    private LayoutInflater inflater;
    public PlanetArrayAdapter( Context context, List<Planet> planetList ) {
      super( context, R.layout.simplerow, R.id.rowTextView, planetList );
      // Cache the LayoutInflate to avoid asking for a new one each time.
      inflater = LayoutInflater.from(context) ;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
      // Planet to display
      Planet planet = (Planet) this.getItem( position ); 

      // The child views in each row.
      CheckBox checkBox ; 
      TextView textView ; 
      // Create a new row view
      if ( convertView == null ) {
        convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.simplerow, null);
        // Find the child views.
        textView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById( R.id.rowTextView );
        checkBox = (CheckBox) convertView.findViewById( R.id.CheckBox01 );
        // Optimization: Tag the row with it's child views, so we don't have to 
        // call findViewById() later when we reuse the row.
        convertView.setTag( new PlanetViewHolder(textView,checkBox) );

        // If CheckBox is toggled, update the planet it is tagged with.
        checkBox.setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() {
          public void onClick(View v) {
            CheckBox cb = (CheckBox) v ;
            Planet planet = (Planet) cb.getTag();
            planet.setChecked( cb.isChecked() );
      // Reuse existing row view
      else {
        // Because we use a ViewHolder, we avoid having to call findViewById().
        PlanetViewHolder viewHolder = (PlanetViewHolder) convertView.getTag();
        checkBox = viewHolder.getCheckBox() ;
        textView = viewHolder.getTextView() ;

      // Tag the CheckBox with the Planet it is displaying, so that we can
      // access the planet in onClick() when the CheckBox is toggled.
      checkBox.setTag( planet ); 
      // Display planet data
      checkBox.setChecked( planet.isChecked() );
      textView.setText( planet.getName() );      
      return convertView;
  public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() {
    return planets ;


The source code and Eclipse project files for this tutorial can be downloaded here.